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Cover – Mask Cover

Download Pattern and Instructions

Download Current Version Pattern Only
Download Care and Use Label

The “MakerMask: Cover” is made from a single layer of spunbond nonwoven polypropylene (NWPP) and is designed to be worn on top of other masks: 1) to prolong the use of commercially available N95s, 2) to help contain the users respiratory droplets (i.e., for source control) when used with N95s containing exhalation valves, or 3) to provide a water-resistant layer over cloth or fabric masks.

Click here for information about formal laboratory testing of the breathability of the MakerMask: Cover when worn with an N95.

Materiales y herramientos


• Clean spunbond nonwoven polypropylene (NWPP)

Head Ties/Straps (e.g., bias tape, cloth, or silicone ties)

• Sewing machine

• Thread

• Scissors, clips or pins, etc.


Paso 1: Imprime y prepare el patrón

Print out the mask pattern on Letter-sized (8.5″ x 11″) paper. Verify that the measurements on the reference square are accurate.

Cut the pattern out.

Step 2: Cut fabric for mask cover 

Dobla la tela por la mitad. Coloque el patrón en el borde doblado donde se indique. Corta el patrón de la máscara de la tela.


Step 3: Sew fabric to create cover shape

All stitching 1/8 inch from the edge. A,B, and C below correspond to A,B, and C on the pattern.

  • A. Top stitch the two sides together from the fold (top, center) to the top edge of mask
  • B. Top stitch the two sides together from the fold (bottom, center) to the bottom edge of the mask.
  • C. Open the mask; fold left edge over (C, left) and top stitch side to finish edge. Repeat for the right side (C, right).

Step 4: Sew head ties to mask cover

Cut two 36″ (91.4cm) long pieces of 1/2″ (1.2cm) double-fold bias tape for the head ties. Unfold the bias tape and position the middle of the tape to the middle of the mask. Sew to the inside of the mask cover, 1⁄4 inch from edge. Fold the bias tape over to the outside of the mask and top stitch the full length of the tape to make finished straps. Repeat for the lower edge of the mask.

  • Note: These instructions create the head ties from double-folded bias tape. If you don’t have bias tape, you can make your own ties from fabric strips.
  • Note: We stitched a “T” onto the top strap to indicate the top


Wash/disinfect cover before use

While autoclaving is ideal, home users can submerge the masks in boiling water for 10 minutes.

Include a label with masks made for others

If making masks for other people it is important to include a simple label describing washing instructions as well as a description of the materials used in the mask.

¿Dónde puedo donar mis máscaras?

Where do I donate my mask covers?

Es muy importante que en nuestros esfuerzos de entregar máscaras rápidamente, que también lo hacemos correctamente. Estamos trabajando con agencias para crear un red sólido para el proyecto de MakerMask para que podemos proveer dirección clara sobre que hacer con las máscaras que produce.

Mientras tanto, pedimos que usted trabaja responsablemente dentro de sus comunidades para que las máscaras llegan a un grupo que puede distribuirlos donde sean más necesarios.

Por favor sigue las pautas debajo:


Verfique que los proveedores de salud y otros trabajadores en la primera línea quieren lo que usted tiene para dar.

Mejor todavía, antes de coser, chequea con ellos, y cose lo que ellos quieren.

Do include labeling information with all face masks.


NO DEJAR MÁSCARAS ALEATORIAMENTE en instalaciones médicas. Hace más daño que bueno.


Antes de comenzar, chequea con sus redes locales y sociales, tanto como los recursos abajo para descubrir que están pidiendo las instalaciones y grupos:

Additional Information About Mask/ Cover Fabrics

Spunbond nonwoven polypropylene (NWPP) Bags

A pesar de ser llamado “no tejido”, PPNT está apretado con un patrón cruzado que le da una aparencia tejido. Un fuente común de PPNT es bolsas reusables.

Look for reusable grocery bags with a cross-hatch pattern, no insulation or waterproofing. Make sure materials are breathable before use. NWPP bags can be safely laundered. For additional information see:


Lazos de Tela

For securing the mask to the face, bias tape is a great option and commonly found at craft stores. Alternatively, ties may be fashioned from clean strips of NWPP or other available material that is machine washable and long enough to tie around the head. Elastic may cause severe reactions in individuals with a latex allergy, does not generally hold up as well to the heat of sterilization, and therefore should not be used.



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