
Photo of a 3-layer MakerMask:Origami fitted mask constructed from nonwoven polypropylene and tightly woven cotton


¡Gracias por todo lo que está haciendo para apoyar a nuestras comunidades! Formas adicionales por los cuales usted puede ayudar con éste projecto:

1)     Donate

MakerMask is raising funds to take more commercially available materials into head-to-head lab testing. Every dollar helps! To contribute, click on:

(Canva Inforgraphic) Text: Support Lab Testing (Tax-Deductable). With four photos showing the deconstruction of NWPP bags and the creation of the test samples that were sent to the lab for fluid resistance testing

2)     Make masks

Experts estimate that we may need more than 100 million masks to meet US needs in this crisis. Thank you for making as many as you are able, and enlisting others to do the same! Check with our partners at for more information on making and donating masks.

3)     Share this page

Please share widely via email, social media, and other community channels. Where useful, our hashtag is #MakerMask.


4)    Volunteer

We are working with Helpful Engineering, una organización liderada por voluntarios, con ingenieros, científicos y doctores alrededor del mundo dedicados a ayudar al mundo abordar la pandemia de COVID-19. ¡Más cabezas y manos siempre son bienvenidas!



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